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This download is an exact copy of Catching Up in Maths book 1B.
Sample pages from Unit 7 in book 1A show how the work has been further differentiated (Warm up, Race Ahead, Tough Challenge) with learning outcomes and teachers' notes to explain the system fully. A list of all the contents pages from the whole series can be viewed by clicking here.
The series of 15 differentiated titles in five units contains follow-up work and reinforcement work for all the main topic areas of the Maths National Curriculum at levels 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Three titles per unit - A, B and C. Each is at a different NC level to facilitate work with pupils of varying ability. Every title has 8 units - each unit consists of 3 pages at 3 different levels.
Record sheets with desired learning outcomes for each page are useful for record keeping and planning a programme of work. Tests help assess where pupils are in the NC and help them become familiar with SAT-style questioning techniques. In addition to using the correct numbers for a given National Curriculum level the author has used and highlighted the correct mathematical language for that level. Answers are included.
Unit 1 Numbers and the Number System 1A, 1B, 1C
Unit 2 Calculations 2A, 2B, 2C
Unit 3 Solving Problems 3A, 3B, 3C
Unit 4 Money and Measurement 4A, 4B, 4C
Unit 5 Shape, Space and Handling Data 5A, 5B, 5C
Other titles that are in the same style by the author are: