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This series was designed to help Key Stage 3 SEN and English as an Additional Language students to extend their range of written work to fulfill their National Curriculum requirements. Subsequently it has proved to be useful with year 5/6 pupils as well.
The activities can be used selectively to focus on specific types of text, or to supplement work being done in the mainstream class. Most pages are followed by writing frames/templates allowing students to extend their work and produce a task in two stages that would have been difficult in one stage. All 6 books are at the same level.
Reading age 8+ years.
Book 1 Everyday skills. Notes, cards, postcards, instructions and letters.
Book 2 Popular media and information. Cartoon strips, magazines, newspaper reports and information leaflets.
Book 3 Humour, poetry and drama. Jokes, limericks, poems, dialogues and drama.
Book 4 Personal writing and stories. Diary writing, autobiographical events, biography and fictional narratives.
Book 5 Cross-curricular text types. Experimental report, investigation plan, technology plan, writing for geography and history.
Book 6 Essays. Note-making and planning, essay types: explanation, comparison, discussion, persuasion, evaluation.