Learning High Frequency Words Book 4

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Learning High Frequency Words books 4 - sample pages and content pages of the whole series are available.
The series was designed for pupils with special educational needs at Key Stages 1 & 2 who are learning the high frequency NLS word lists.  This series covers all the words for Reception to Year 2 inclusive.  Designed to provide a multisensory approach, two pages are allocated for each set of words.
The first page follows a set format of: saying, colouring, tracing and spelling (using the look - say - cover - write - check method).
The second page provides a variety of follow-up activities as reinforcement work.
Lotto activities at the back of each book reinforce the words through play.
Book 1 Reception year words
Book 2 Year 1 to 2 words
Book 3 Year 1 to 2 words
Book 4 Year 1 to 2 words
Book 5 Number and colour words
Book 6 Day and month words
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